40+ Heartfelt Bridal Shower Wishes for Daughters

Your daughters wedding is one of the most special times. For both you as her parents and of course herself.

So you want to make her feel loved and supported leading up to her big day. With that in mind these bridal shower wishes will help you to find the right words.

Bridal Shower Wishes for Daughter

Share your excitement and pride in your daughter with these heartfelt bridal shower wishes.

  • Wishing you happiness and love beyond your wildest dreams as you embark on this wonderful new adventure together.
  • May your marriage be filled with an abundance of laughter and lifelong love – you deserve it all, my darling.
  • As you prepare to walk down the aisle please know that you’ll always have our neverending love and support.
  • Your bridal shower is only the beginning of a lifetime of happiness and celebrations for the wonderful woman you have become.
  • I can’t wait to stand proudly by your side on your wedding day. It’s going to be one of the most special days of my life. You are my precious girl and I am so pleased to see you so happy.
  • I hope “for better or worse” only means your marriage will get continuously better from this day on.
  • As you embark on your marriage I’m sure your bond will only grow stronger and sweeter with each passing year.
  • Wishing you a lifetime of joy, my darling daughter – you deserve it!
  • Seeing you get married will be one of the greatest moments for me. As a parent I can think of nothing better than to see my baby daughter finding love and tying the knot. Congratulations and all my love.
  • Your wedding day will be magical, I’m sure. But always remember the real magic is your love.

daughter bridal shower message

Daughter Bridal Shower Messages

Express how excited your are for the big day with these bridal shower message ideas for your daughter.

  • I can’t wait to witness the wonderful, loving partnership I know your marriage will become.
  • Don’t forget to enjoy the journey – wedding planning can be stressful but make time for what matters and don’t let it overwhelm you. Your bridal shower will bring some relief and fun to all the preparations.
  • As your mom/dad it brings me so much happiness to see the amazing woman you’ve become.
  • As you prepare for your big day, remember – a happy marriage requires falling in love many times over.
  • Enjoy this special bridal celebration, my daughter – it’s the first of many once you’re a married woman!
  • Through all of life’s ups and downs turn to each other for comfort and strength. Your love will see you through those hardest times.
  • Marriage takes work. But with understanding and compromise it will be worth it and you will enjoy a life of love and happiness.
  • More than simply a wedding I wish you a lifetime of love, laughter and wonder together.
  • As we enjoy your bridal shower I hope you know how excited we are for the big day and how much pride and joy we will take from seeing you wed the man of your dreams.
  • May you build a marriage as beautiful as your wedding; full of devotion and love.

heartfelt bridal shower message for daughter

Bridal Shower Quotes for Daughter

These bridal shower quotes for a daughter beautifully capture your love and the hopes you have for her.

  • “The highest happiness on earth is marriage.” – William Lyon Phelps
  • “A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.” – Dave Meurer
  • “To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.” – David Viscott
  • “There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.” – Martin Luther
  • “Love seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century.” – Mark Twain
  • “When marrying, ask yourself this question: Do you believe that you will be able to converse well with this person into your old age?” – Friedrich Nietzsche
  • “A relationship is like a rose. How long it lasts, no one knows. Love can erase an awful past, love can be yours, you’ll see at last. To feel that love, it makes you sigh. To have it leave, you’d rather die. You hope you’ve found that special rose, ’cause you love and care for the one you chose.” – Rob Cella
  • “The most precious gift we’ll ever have… is each other.” – Unknown
  • “Love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and as difficult as that.” – Michael Leunig
  • “Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Elizabeth Browning

Enjoy your Bridal Shower my Daughter

Use these messages to remind her to enjoy herself and make wonderful memories with loved ones.

  • Surround yourself with your best girlfriends and make plenty of lasting memories today. I hope it’s the perfect shower.
  • Savor the laughter, the stories, advice and quality time shared at your bridal party today. Wishing you lots of love.
  • You deserve to feel pampered and loved leading up to your big day. This bridal shower will be the perfect way to kick back and celebrate.
  • Put your wedding planning aside for today – just focus on celebrating you!
  • Soak up this special time. It’s focused all on you and the bright future you have ahead. We love you and how you enjoy your bridal shower.
  • We hope this bridal shower thrown with love for you will help start the excitement and celebrations for your upcoming wedding.
  • Let your friends and family pamper you with love today. They’ll be games, stories and of course some if our amazing relationship wisdom!
  • Remember today and make some memories you can treasure forever. Have a wonderful bridal shower.
  • You can feel confident for your big day knowing there are so many people supporting you. Just look at your shower today and everyone who has come to celebrate the day. You are so loved.
  • We celebrate your bridal shower and upcoming wedding today. May you enjoy your special day and make heartfelt memories you will treasure forever.

I hope these bridal shower wishes for daughters have been helpful in choosing the right words or what to say to your daughter for her bridal shower.

More Bridal Shower Wishes

bridal shower wishes for daughter

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