We say thank you to people all the time. It can be to those closest to us or just on a day to day basis for the more mundane things.
But we often forget to thank people for no other reason than being themselves; for being an awesome friend who we love, warts an all.
That doesn’t mean they’re perfect. In fact quite the opposite. It’s about thanking someone regardless of their faults and celebrating them just the way they are.
So if you want to reach out to someone you really care about and let them know how grateful you are for them then use these ways to say ‘thank you for being you’.
What Does ‘Thank You for Being You’ Mean?
‘Thank you for being you’ is a way to show your appreciation to someone for being true to themselves. It’s a demonstration of your gratitude to that person for never forgetting who they are and embracing all that makes them unique.
And that’s what it’s all about. We are all different and special, with our own characteristics that make us who we are. Seeing those characteristics and both accepting them all – good and bad – and celebrating them is how you thank someone for being themselves.
Ways to Say Thank You for Being You
- There is one person I can always rely on and that is you. I’m so grateful to have you as a friend and just wanted to thank you for being you. Never change!
- I love having you in my life and can’t think of a better friend. It warms my heart to know that friendship will last forever and you are perfect exactly as you are. Thank you for always being you.
- You accept and put up with me even when I’m difficult. I hope I do the same with you because I cherish our friendship and am grateful that you are the person you are. Thank you for everything.
- People come and go from our lives but one constant in mine has been you. I can’t tell you how much it means that you are always there no matter what. Thank you for being so amazing.
- It is a blessing to have someone like you in my life. Through thick and thin you are there with support and love. Thank you for being that one person I can turn to.
- It’s amazing to think we’ve known each other for so long. You’re still the same crazy, funny, wonderful person from all those years ago and I hope you stay that way forever! Thank you for being you.
- This is just to say thank you for the unique person you are. No one can be anything other than themselves and you show that better than anyone else I know. It is inspiring and makes me love you even more.
- I don’t know who sent you but I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you. Someone so wonderfully special and totally themselves. It still amazes me to this day. Thank you for just being you and nothing more.
- You are unique and special, a one off and there isn’t a single other person quite like you. You may not be perfect but it doesn’t matter to me. You are you, and I thank you for being that person wholly and unapologetically.
- The thing I love most about you is how true to yourself you are. You don’t compromise or let anyone bring you down. That confidence has definitely rubbed off on me and it makes me really grateful for the amazing influence having you in my life has. Thank you for just being you.
READ MORE: Ways to Say ‘Thank you for your Support’
‘Thank You for Being You’ for a Friend
- Our friendship is like no other and is strong enough to withstand anything. That’s because you are truly inspiring and make me a better person. I’m so thankful I have you as a friend.
- Not a day goes by that I don’t count myself fortunate for having you as a friend. You are selfless, supportive and loyal like no one else. I hope our friendship lasts forever. Thank you for being so wonderful.
- To the greatest friend in the world – thank you for being fantastic! You give so much of yourself and never expect anything in return. I love you so much.
- Whether I need cheering up or someone to cause mischief with you’ve been there by my side. I am indebted to you for being my friend and being the one and only you! Thank you.
- Your friendship means everything to me. It’s you I know I can turn and look to for support when I need it most. With you I feel like I can accomplish anything and face all my fears. Thank you for being so special.
- There is no truer friend than you. I can’t explain how much of a positive effect having you in my life has had. Thank you for being the best friend in the world.
- When I’ve faced difficult times you have been the one to help me get through them. That support has been invaluable and I can’t thank you enough for being there for me and such a good friend.
- I have looked to you for someone to listen and offer advice countless times and you always come through. That’s what friends are for and you never fail to step up and support me. Thank you.
- Nothing could ever come between us. We are like family and there for each other regardless. I’m blessed to have you as a friend – thank you for just being you.
- I am grateful for you being you. Everything about you is phenomenal and I am amazed by the support you give me. I never knew a friendship could be so strong but we have a bond that can never be broken.
READ MORE: Thank You for Generosity and Kindness Messages
How to Say ‘Thank You for Being You’ to a Family Member
- Thank you, mom, for being the most amazing person in my life. You have always put everyone else before yourself and done so without complaining. The example you have set will be with me forever and I am eternally grateful for everything you do.
- I have looked up to you throughout my entire life and the fact that you have always been true to yourself inspires me every day. Thank you for being you, dad, and never wavering from the person you are.
- Having an older sibling has so many benefits but the biggest one is getting a friend who you can look up to. I have followed and used you as my guide and it’s as my role model you’ve shown me to always be true to myself and never forget who I am. Thank you for being you and always inspiring me.
- Thank you, grandma, for being such an inspiration. The way you have lived your life is truly inspiring and the influence you have had on me is more than I can say. I am so grateful to have someone like you as a part of my life.
- To my loving uncle, thank you for being such an important part of my life. The lessons you’ve taught me and the guidance you’ve shown has been so helpful. I’m forever grateful to you.
- Thank you, sis, for always caring for me. Having someone like you I knew I could rely on when times were tough has been so welcome. I appreciate you so much.
- Sending you a big thank you, grandpa, for your wisdom and kindness. You are so impressive and thoughtful and just the sort of person I need in my life.
- Thank you to the best parents in the world. Your support, love and guidance has made me who I am today. You haven’t pressured or pushed me into becoming something I’m not and I couldn’t appreciate you any more than I do.
- Thank you guys for always being you! It has been the best lesson I could learn that you must be true to yourself and never change just because people tell you to. You have shown me that by always being yourselves and it has been s truly valuable lesson.
- Thank you auntie. I love you so much and feel like we have a special connection. I look up to you as an inspiration and am so impressed by the way you have lived your life.
We hope these examples of ways to say thank you for being you have given you some ideas of what to say to show someone you appreciate them for who they are.

Sally Gibson is the founder of Someone Sent you a Greeting, a holiday/celebration website. Sally’s writing work has been mentioned in Woman’s World, Yahoo, Women’s Health, MSN and more. If you have any questions get in contact with one of the team via the about page.