After someone has been away for a while – from work, school, a long vacation etc. – we want to welcome them back in the best way. What you need is some great welcome back we missed you messages.
It’s normal to miss important people in our lives when they’re gone. And when they return it’s a time for celebration and joy.
You want to express that happiness and let them know just how much you missed them. But what do you say?
Well if you’re struggling to find the words to say “welcome back, we missed you” then these message examples should give you some inspiration.
Welcome Back We Missed You Messages
Say ‘welcome back’ to friends, family and coworkers with these messages and wishes. Let them know just how much you and everyone else missed them.
- Welcome back! We all missed you so much and are delighted that you’re back with us. You have to promise you’re not going to leave again anytime soon though!
- It’s wonderful to have you back after so long away. You’re where you belong now and I couldn’t be happier about it.
- Welcome back! It’s going to be great to reconnect. I really did miss you so can’t wait to get to chat again.
- I missed you so much! It’s been so hard that you’ve been gone for so long. I’m so delighted you’re back and can’t express what it means to me!
- We have been missing you every single day and can’t wait for you to be back home. You’re going to get such a big welcome back party!
- You made the right choice in coming back. Everyone missed you and is going to be so pleased you’re returning.
- You never left our hearts and we missed you so much. So it just feels right that you’re coming back.
- Your absence left a hole we could never fill. You were missed like no one else. So now you’re back we are absolutely over the moon! Welcome home!
- It’s been a really long time but you are coming back to your rightful place. Welcome back, you have been missed.
- We are so happy you are coming back! We missed you more than we can say and wanted to use this message to remind you just how special you are and how much we value you. Welcome back.
Welcome Back to Work, We Missed You Messages
Anyone returning to work deserves a big welcome back. Tell them how much they been missed with one of these messages.
- Work just hasn’t been the same without you. So to have you back with us is such great news. Welcome back to where you truly belong.
- You’re going to get so many welcome back messages today! I’m really pleased you’ve returned after missing you all this time. Welcome back to your rightful home.
- Big welcome back to work. I know it’s been a while so if you need any help getting started again then I’m always here to help.
- We have all been missing you at the office and so pleased that you’re going to be back with us. It’ll be brilliant to catch up after such a long time. Welcome back.
- It’s fantastic not only for me to have a friend I trust and respect back at work but for the entire company. Your return is a boost for everyone and your energy and dedication have been greatly missed.
- It’s been quite a while since you were with us and we have really missed you. We hope that your return goes well and you fit back into the team smoothly. Welcome back.
- Really great news you’re retiring to work with us. You’ve been really missed and we hope it works out this time and you stick around!
- I missed my work buddy so much! It’s going to be such fun to have you around again. We might even do some work! Welcome back, pal!
- The whole office is buzzing that you’re rejoining us. We’ve all said how much we missed you so it’s great news you’ll be with us again soon. All that’s left to say is welcome back.
- Congratulations on coming back to work with us! You have been missed and we are getting a wonderful colleague as part of our team. Welcome back.
Welcome Back We Missed You After a Vacation
If a colleague is lucky enough to have a nice vacation you can welcome them back with a thoughtful message saying how they were missed.
- Welcome back after your vacation! I’m going to pretend I wasn’t jealous that you got all that time off!
- You have been really missed while you were gone. We hope that your vacation was relaxing and you got to recharge your batteries before coming back to work. Glad to have you back!
- Don’t worry, we’ve kept all the work you missed while enjoying your vacation ready for you when you returned. It’s there for you on your desk! Welcome back!
- You’ve had your little break now it’s back to work! Only kiddin’, glad you’re back, we all really did miss you.
- It was really weird not having you around at work the last few weeks – I missed you. So I’m glad you’re back even if I’m sure you’d rather still be on vacation!
- It can really help to take a week off and come back rejuvenated. It’s good to have you with us again though as you were really missed.
- I wish it had been me! Anyway, while I’m busy being jealous of your vacation you can enjoy being welcomed back by everyone who missed you.
- Welcome back from your vacation. I hope you had fun. We all missed having you around the office.
- It’s a good idea to take few days off and let yourself relax. We may have missed you but know you have returned ready to tackle new challenges. Welcome back.
- Did you have a good vacation? I hope so because we missed you and it’s back to work now!
Welcome Back We Missed You After Illness
Sometimes being unwell and illness can force people to miss work or other events. After they’ve recovered it’s nice to say how much they were missed and how happy you are to welcome them back.
- It’s so good that you have recovered from your illness and are returning to work. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say how happy we are that you’re back and how much we missed you.
- It’s amazing news that you’ve made a full recovery and are able to come back to work. Welcome back, we really missed you!
- I was really worried about you so am so happy to see you well again. I missed you – welcome back!
- Its with great pleasure we welcome you back. To see you in such good health again is fantastic.
- We know you’ve had a hard time with your health so it’s wonderful that you have made such progress to be coming back to work. You were sorely missed and we are delighted to welcome you back.
- I’m overjoyed that you’ve beaten your health issues and are feeling well enough to come back to work. I know I speak for everyone when I say how much you were missed.
- I know it’s been a long road for you so it’s amazing to see you coming back at work. We’ve talked a lot about how much we missed you and so we are delighted that you are returning.
- I am very happy you are feeling better and even happier to get to welcome you back. I’ve really missed spending time with you.
- Enjoy your health and remember just how much we all missed you. Welcome back.
- It was wonderful to learn the news of your improved health and return to work. I’ve missed you and so has everyone else so you can expect a really big welcome back!
We hope these welcome back we missed you messages have helped you to wish a friend, coworker, family member or more a happy return and tell them just how much they were missed.

Sally Gibson is the founder of Someone Sent you a Greeting, a holiday/celebration website. Sally’s writing work has been mentioned in Woman’s World, Yahoo, Women’s Health, MSN and more. If you have any questions get in contact with one of the team via the about page.