On your birthday there’s a good chance you will have received cards, presents and lots of thoughtful messages. People reaching out to wish you a happy birthday and enjoy a great day.
But how do you respond to birthday wishes? How can you say ‘thank you for my birthday wishes’?
You would think it would be straightforward. But when it comes to thanking people it can be trickier than you might have expected.
You can send a quick message on Facebook or WhatsApp. But what do you say in that message? And what if you want something a bit more personal?
Well try these wording ideas if you’re struggling with your birthday thank you’s and want something a bit more unique. They can still be shared on the likes of Facebook but are great for any situation where you want to thank people for their thoughtful birthday wishes.
Short Thank You Messages for Birthday Wishes
These are some quick and easy ways to say thank you to anyone who wishes you a happy birthday.
- Thank you for the lovely birthday wishes! It was so sweet of you
- Having you wish me a happy birthday really made my day. Thanks so much!
- A big thanks to everyone for your wonderful birthday messages! I had a great day and that’s in no small part down to your amazing friendship
- A massive thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday!! Knowing you were all thinking of me made me feel so special!
- To all of you who posted birthday wishes to me – you’re awesome! Thanks!
- I took such pleasure reading each and every message about my birthday. It’s so great to know that many people care. Thank you all
- My Facebook page was full of birthday wishes, I was overwhelmed. It was such a surprise to see them all and I wanted to thank you all for your kind words
- It days like today that show me how lucky I am. To have so many people reaching out with touching birthday messages makes me feel overjoyed. It really made my day – thank you!!
- I’ve never felt this special on my birthday. Seeing all the messages from my friends is better than any present I could have been given. You are all so important to me. Thank you
- My birthday was just fab. Thanks to you guys and for your support
Sweet Thank You’s
These are more emotional and touching wording examples that you can use if you want to really show your deep appreciation.
- It meant the world to me to receive so many happy birthday wishes. I feel so honored and a bit choked about it! Thank you all
- You guys are the sweetest friends anyone could have. Thank you for your lovely birthday messages. They really touched me
- No present or gift is better than knowing I have such wonderful friends. Thank you for your kind words and for making today such a special day
- I feel like a million dollars today. And that’s because of all your heartfelt birthday wishes. Thank you so much
- Thank you for such sweet birthday messages. I was feeling a bit down about getting older and they cheered me right up! I have some really amazing friends
- I received so many beautiful birthday wishes I could hardly believe it. You guys sure know how to make a girl feel special! Big hugs and thanks to you all
- You are the best friends anyone could hope for. I loved all the sweet birthday messages you sent and have been smiling all day because of them. I really appreciate your friendship and love
- Loved my birthday wishes guys! You didn’t need to but I won’t lie – they made me feel special! Thanks for being awesome and really sweet
- I had more happy birthday messages than I could have ever expected. What a lovely way to enjoy your birthday, knowing all your friends and family are thinking of you. Thank you to everyone, it was so thoughtful
- Thank you for all your kind words on my birthday. I am blessed to have such brilliant people in my life
Thank You for Birthday Text Messages
Some people prefer to send a text message birthday greeting. Reply to them with these quick thank you messages.
- Thank you to everyone for your warm and kind birthday texts. I really appreciate the lovely words
- It’s such a joy to wake up and see all your friend sending you texts wishing you a happy birthday! You guys are the best friends anyone could have
- I’m really grateful for all the lovely text messages on my birthday. I felt really special and like it mattered to you all. That’s a really nice feeling
- To know you thought of me today is lovely. Thank you ever so much for your birthday text
- I can’t describe how amazing it is to have all your friends and family texting you such lovely messages in your birthday. I will make sure I thank every single one of you individually over the next few weeks
- It’s been a blast reading all the birthday texts I’ve received. Thank you all – you’re awesome friends!
- I’ve been smiling all day after the birthday wishes I received. It put a spring in my step and made me feel great. Thanks you guys
- My phone went crazy this morning!! I couldn’t believe how many texts I had. All wishing me a happy birthday. I’m so greatly for having the such amazing friends
Thank You Messages for Coworkers
Don’t forget your coworkers! Say thanks to all those at work who wished you a happy birthday with these wording ideas.
- Thank you for your generous birthday message. It’s so nice to have made such a great friend from work
- Thank you to each and every one of my colleagues for my birthday wishes. You’ve all been so helpful and kind since I joined, and I feel like we’re one big family now
- I am so lucky to work with a really great bunch like you guys! Thank you for marking my day that little bit brighter
- Thank you for your sweet birthday wishes. Work doesn’t seem so bad when you’ve got coworkers like I have!
- You guys are the best coworkers anyone could ask for! I really appreciated all the lovely messages on my birthday
- Thanks to my buddies at work for remembering my birthday! Really enjoyed all the best wishes
- I’ve made some wonderful friends from work and seeing all these happy birthday wishes had really brought it home. Thank you all, it means so much to me
- I felt really special when I read the birthday messages from everyone at work. It really made my day. Thanks
Funny Thank You Messages
A funny message is w great way to respond to birthday wishes and shows you appreciate they’re message but have a sense of humor about it too.
- Thanks everyone for reminding me how old I’m getting!
- Big thanks to everyone who remembered my birthday yesterday. Everyone else – you’re dead to me
- Thank you for the birthday wishes everyone. I’m just surprised so many of you check your Facebook notifications!
- My birthday wishes were so nice.. not as nice as a proper present, but still nice
- I had such a great birthday! And thank you for all the amazing birthday wishes. All my friends wishing me a great day, telling me how awesome I am.. joking about how I’m getting older.. reminding me I’m another year closer to the grave.. y’know, I’m not feeling quite as happy about my birthday as I was
Hopefully you’ve now found the best way to say thank you for birthday wishes and can show your appreciation with a thoughtful message of your own.
For more thank message ideas see:
- Thank You Notes for Birthday Gifts and Cards
- How to Write a Thank You Note for Friends
- Thank You Card Messages and Sayings

Sally Gibson is the founder of Someone Sent you a Greeting, a holiday/celebration website. Sally’s writing work has been mentioned in Woman’s World, Yahoo, Women’s Health, MSN and more. If you have any questions get in contact with one of the team via the about page.