When the love of your life, the woman you married – your wife – is about to retire it’s huge event. Not only for her but for you and the whole family.
It’s time for her to have a well earned rest from work. After years of hard work and providing for the family she deserves the relaxation retirement brings.
But what do you say to your wife when she retires?
You can talk about how you appreciate all that she has done and sacrificed whilst working. Or how happy you are that you’re going to be able to spend more time together now.
But for some happy retirement wishes and expressing the way you feel about someone so special like your wife isn’t easy.
If that’s the case then use these retirement messages for wives to help you find the perfect words to wish your wife a happy retirement.
Retirement Messages for Wife
- Congratulations to my beloved wife on your retirement. I wish you years of happiness and freedom from the stress of work surrounded by friends and family
- Happy retirement my darling. I am so pleased for you and looking forward to all the time we’re going to have to spend together
- My loving wife, you’ve worked so hard all your life you have earned this retirement. May you enjoy every second of it
- We have been dreaming of this moment where we would have the time to do all the things we wanted. Now it’s here! Congratulations darling and let’s go out and enjoy life!
- As your husband of many years I couldn’t be happier to see you get the retirement you so deserve. I know you work harder than anyone and it’s now time for you to have a rest and do only what you want
- We have so much to look forward to now we are free of work! Long vacations, time with the grandchildren, and just doing whatever we want. It’s going to be bliss! Congratulations my love
- Your retirement isn’t the end, but a brand new chapter in both our lives. We can enjoy doing whatever we want to now. I love you and am so excited about what’s waiting just over the horizon for us
- I know everyone at your office will be so sad to see you leave. But I can’t deny it’s going to be wonderful to have my wife back! This next phase of our life is going to bring such excitement I can hardly wait. Congratulations my perfect wife
- One of the biggest benefits of retiring is the reduction of stress. No more deadlines and late nights. You can have lie-ins and just take each day as they come. Enjoy yourself now my love
- To my incredible wife – you have given me a true love like no other. I am lucky to have you and delighted you have the best years ahead of you as you retire
- Happy retirement and all my love to my wife. As you begin this new chapter of your life you should look forward to the relaxing days ahead free from the stress of work. Congratulations to the love of my life
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Retirement Wishes for Wife
- We can look forward to many adventures now that you are retiring! Congratulations and I love you
- I was blessed to find you and count myself so lucky that you are my wife. May your retirement and the years ahead bring us all the happiness we’ve ever imagined
- I am so excited to share the time we will have now you’re retired. I just know that we are going to have the most amazing years of our lives. Congratulations on your retirement my darling
- You have been such a hard working, outstanding employee I don’t know how the company will cope without you. But if I’m honest I don’t care that much! You deserve a long and happy retirement and together we can make that happen. Congratulations my love, let’s go it there and enjoy ourselves!
- You have been such an asset to everyone you’ve worked for. But after such an amazing career it’s all about enjoying yourself now. Together we can do everything we’ve planned and talked about. Let the adventures begin!
- Retiring can be a little scary, not knowing what you’re going to do or what comes next. But I will be by your side all the way and we can make amazing new memories that will last a lifetime. We’ve got such exciting times ahead I can’t wait to explore them with you. Congratulations and all my love
- Retirement is a time of change but with it comes the chance to live out dreams you’ve had for years. Together that’s what we can do. Congratulations and happy retirement my wife
- You’ve done your years of hard work, now it’s time to put yourself first. I couldn’t be happier to spend the rest of our lives together and with the woman I love. Congratulations on your retirement
- You can now enjoy all that life has to offer and grab the exciting opportunities that come your way with both hands. Let’s enjoy your retirement and make it the best time of our lives!
- As I get my wife back I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t pleased you were retiring. But you’ve earned this through sheer dedication and commitment to your job. Now you can look forward to fully enjoying the rewards of your hard work. Happy retirement honey
- Congratulations darling on your retirement. It’s been a long time coming and I know you’ve been counting down the days. Now it’s finally here let’s start preparing for all the adventures and new things we’re going to try and look forward to the brilliant memories we will make together
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Funny Retirement Quotes for Wife
- “I’m not just retiring from the company, I’m also retiring from my stress, my commute, my alarm clock, and my iron” – Hartman Jule
- Your retirement brings out a lot of emotions in me, but I’d have to say envy is the biggest one
- “Retirement: When you stop lying about your age and start lying around the house” – Unknown
- “Retirement is wonderful. It’s doing nothing without worrying about getting caught at it” – Gene Perret
- “There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want” – Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes
- “In retirement, every day is Boss Day and every day is Employee Appreciation Day” – Terri Guillemets
- “I enjoy waking up and not having to go to work. So I do it three or four times a day” – Gene Perret
- “I’m retired – goodbye tension, hello pension!” – Author Unknown
- “Retirement adds 5 days to your weekend! Enjoy it!”
- “I would like to extend my condolences to your employer for the devastating loss. Happy retirement!”
- “I have never liked working. To me a job is an invasion of privacy.” – Danny McGoorty
SEE MORE: Funny Retirement Messages and Quotes
Your wife retiring is a huge milestone and one to be celebrated. She’s worked incredibly hard and now you can enjoy lots of time together away from work.
So hopefully these retirement messages for a wife will have helped you to wish he the best as she retires and show her happy you are.

Sally Gibson is the founder of Someone Sent you a Greeting, a holiday/celebration website. Sally’s writing work has been mentioned in Woman’s World, Yahoo, Women’s Health, MSN and more. If you have any questions get in contact with one of the team via the about page.